New Highs In the S&P 500?

S&P 500 Elliott Wave Chart Analysis for Day Traders and Swing Traders. I'll also be covering Gold Futures and Crude Oil Futures too. Is the B Wave Over? Or are we going to make new highs?

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Will the market CRASH again?

The S&P 500 had a very steep correction recently which you could call a MARKET CRASH. The question is… Will we get ANOTHER crash? That’s what I’ll be looking at in my video using Elliott Wave for my Technical Chart Analysis of the current stock market.

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S&P Futures Weekend Update

S and P 500 Futures Emini Elliott Wave Chart Analysis

Hi everyone, just thought I'd put out this video with my Elliott Wave analysis on the S&P 500. Hope that it helps you traders out there in your trading. The stock market is at all times highs and who know, it might go much higher but there is also a bearish scenario. It's not bitcoin but the sandp-500 is still my favorite trading vehicle. Check it out and please leave a comment, Like or SHARE - Thank you very much.

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S&P 500 Futures Emini Elliott Wave Chart Analysis

S and P 500 Futures Emini Elliott Wave Chart Analysis
Hi everyone, just thought I'd put out this video with my Elliott Wave analysis on the S&P 500. Hope that it helps you traders out there in your trading. The stock market is at all times highs and who know, it might go much higher but there is also a bearish scenario. It's not bitcoin but the sandp-500 is still my favorite trading vehicle. Check it out and please leave a comment, Like or SHARE - Thank you very much.


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