S&P 500 Emini Analysis Elliott Wave 8-6-17

Hey everyone, here is my take on the S&P 500 Emini futures contract. In my technical analysis, I'm using Elliott Wave, Fibonacci retracements and extensions as well as channels and Andrew's Pitchfork. If you're an active trader, day trader or swing trader, you may find my S&P 500 Emini futures market analysis as another way to look at the market.

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Crude Oil Analysis 6-19-17

Hey all, here's my look at the crude oil futures market. Those of you who enjoy futures trading give it a look at let me know what you think. 

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Trading Crude Oil Futures 11-21-16

Hey There! Here's a short video explaining my thoughts on the Crude Oil Futures Market. So if you're either Day Trading or Swing Trading Crude Oil Futures then take a minute and check out my Technical Analysis. Most of these concepts beginners will understand but if you have any questions please leave a comment. These Crude Oil Futures Charts are from my Think or Swim account and I have other videos on how I set them up. For more Trading Tips check out my website. If you have found value in these videos please Like and Share - It's much appreciated. Thank You!

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S&P 500 Futures Analysis E-Mini 11-14-16

Hi All! Here's my video explaining my views on the S&P 500 Futures Market. So if you're either Day Trading or Swing Trading E-Mini Futures then take a minute and check out my Technical Analysis. Most of these concepts beginners will understand but if you have any questions please leave a comment. These Crude Oil Futures Charts are from my Think or Swim account and I have other videos on how I set them up. For more Trading Tips check out my website. If you have found value in these videos please Like and Share - It's much appreciated. Thank You!


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Trading Crude Oil Futures 11-14-16

Hey There! Here's a short video explaining my thoughts on the Crude Oil Futures Market. So if you're either Day Trading or Swing Trading Crude Oil Futures then take a minute and check out my Technical Analysis. Most of these concepts beginners will understand but if you have any questions please leave a comment. These Crude Oil Futures Charts are from my Think or Swim account and I have other videos on how I set them up. For more Trading Tips check out my website. If you have found value in these videos please Like and Share - It's much appreciated. Thank You!

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Crude Oil Analysis 11-07-16

Hey! Here's my Crude Oil Technical Analysis for this Election Week! I'm using Market Profile, Price Action and Market Geometry. Please Like and Share - I really appreciate it!


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S&P 500 Analysis 11-07-16

Hey There! Here's my weekly video of the S&P 500 Futures Analysis using Market Profile, Price Action and Market Geometry for Technical Analysis. I hope it serves you - Please Like and Share. Thanks A Lot!!!


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Crude Oil Futures Analysis 10-31-16

Hi, Here's my analysis of the Crude Oil Futures Market - Technical analysis using Price Action, Market Profile and Market Geometry. I really appreciate the Shares and Likes - Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! 


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